This project was to get a pair of Hall Effect Sensors to act as Encoders for our Robot in order for us to do some better Dead Reckoning Estimations. The TL;DR is I found some Python Libraries that worked on the Raspberry Pi to control it’s header pins so I could use the SPI pins to interface with the sensors. My Project lead threw it my way and I made it happen within the week, I had a blast the whole time doing it too. It was a trip going from bare metal application with micro-controllers to working with an operating system like linux (not embedded). I felt like fish out of water, like I could have gotten this data out if it was on a micro-controller, but I learnt a lot with this switch up.
Reading the data sheet for this sensor was also something that I thought was interesting to learn. There was multiple ways to interface with it, which was a first for me, usually the sensor I worked with only interface using I2C. My project lead wanted it to work with SPI because of the faster data rate.